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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Love and Lost

Love and Lost

Hey everyone its your girl Bee here and I just want to share my experience on the subject of Break Ups :)

So I believe everyone has been in love before and its the most amazing feeling in the whole wide world at least that's what our hearts make our minds believe but is it  really? The forever rhetorical question. When in relationship we all  think "This Could Be The One" ? That is exactly what we all think until the day we realize it just wasn't meant to be, then that amazing feeling becomes the tragedy we wished we never had to feel . The emotions felt after a break up whether mutual or bias is the worst feeling ever. Ladies believe they are the only ones that feel this pain but that's not true. Its hard to accept that the guys feel any sort of pain... but we seem to forget the reality of  it all.. That we are ALL humans, and you were not the only one in that relationship.

My Experience..

The Relationship

We all fall in love for different reasons, that is how I see love, some fall in love because they want to experience it , some fall in love because its convenient, some fall in love genuinely and others just don't know why they fell in love until they've lost that person they claim to have loved . This certain experience of mine to be honest, I don't understand how i fell in love or why as I had promised myself not to fall in love for a long time (smiles) but then again is that really possible when we live in a world where nothing really goes according to plan?. I fell in love too fast too soon I regret that but I don't regret ever loving Him, He came along with the right intentions but now i know we both weren't ready for that journey we embarked on . We were two people that fell in love and believed we were what we both needed, always in each others faces, bbm , Skype, on the phone , Facebook and mentioning each other on twitter (covers face).. Cute at first but seriously a big mistake. In a relationship "space" is absolutely essential I cant stress enough. So we dated for 6 months to be honest I'm surprised it lasted that long because although we were similar in some ways we had way too many different views on issues that could damage a relationship and if a couple cant find ways to compromise? Epic Fail! Eventually we hurt each other one after the other unintentionally. So as you can tell the relationship ended. Huge DISASTER!!!  ....

The Aftermath

Who gets over an ex over night? Even if the relationship lasted one week.. We all still hurt .. some longer than others but we all hurt for some time, both male and female. We deal with hurt in different ways as we fall in love in different ways. Some people take their anger out on those around them, some comfort eat, some go into total isolation, some lash out on social networking sites that were once the art gallery in which their love was displayed and some just don't know how to deal with hurt because its not something they ever expected to ever feel. Shocker!

I fell in love too fast and got hurt too fast too soon and believe me that is worse. You first think you can deal with it and you can get through it the first day, then you wake up the next day and reality kicks in that that person you've loved for 6 whole months or whatever wont ever be there again. That person you thought was "The One", the person you told your secrets to, who made you laugh, made you feel special, your other best friend....? WOW! Its A LOT to take in, to the extent that you physically feel sick.Then you think you can work it out? Only special relationships! Those that I refer to as " Divine Relationships" work out, the "unbreakables" (smiles) these are couples that love each other but certain circumstances are keeping them apart not that they want to be apart but feel its necessary  they work it out eventually..  Anyways after the  failed work out session we result to hate and anger this is the stage where our hearts take control of our minds and this is the part that hurts the most.. Hating the one you once loved but do we really hate that person? No! We still care. I dealt with mine by facing a piercing fear thinking it'll take away the pain,the pain was still there after and I still care. Some relationships end well, but those that don't can be very frustrating and hurt deeply with the forever self questioning of "How did this get so bad?" but eventually we realize " It Just Wasn't Meant To Be"! The Final stage "Acceptance"!...accepting doesn't mean you don't still care about that person, think about what could have been or still have love for them. Its just a step forward to making yourself happy again and realizing your "One" is still out there... If you never get that sense of acceptance and relief then maybe you're not ready to let go? But you really should because the longer you hold on the deeper you scar your own heart. Besides if they were feeling your pain they would have been back by now cause nobody would want to hurt the one they truly love... Think about it!

 I've accepted maybe its time you did too?

I've loved and I've lost but its brought me to a happier place in my life. Better Days Always Come...

Love Bee

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