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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Healthy Food Style??

Hey Beautiful people (smiles) hope everyone had an amazing weekend. 21 day challenge? hows everyone going with that sorry I haven't  been blogging been busy with my 3rd year thesis but I'm back now yay. Time to get ready for the summer holidays

I have tons of things to get sorted before I leave eeeekkk cant wait (Laughs). So I've decided to combine the herbalife post and the detox information together as one just cause I feel like its necessary at this stage (smiles). P.s this is Not for a quick fix

So lets start .....

Firstly I'd like to say I am not a herbalife distributor or coach I am simply just a customer but if you are interested in ordering some herbalife products I will be sure to leave a link below where you can get the products and consult a herbalife coach you can say I referred you to her.

Ok so I have been using herbalife for about 3 weeks now and in the three weeks that I have been using herbalife I lost 4.4lbs which is great for me may not be alot for some but I had been fixed on my weight for some time so a change had to come (laughs). I use the herbalife formula one nutritional shake (NOT PROTEIN SHAKE) and Fibre and herb tablet. The shake is a meal replacement so I'd have two scoops with 250ml low fat milk for breakfast and dinner and have a nutritional meal for lunch. I take the fibre and herb tablets 2 three times a day with each meal. I drink 200-400ml of green tea and 1-2litres of water a day depending on how full I am. I will leave a link to the site below for people interested in herbalife its not only for weight loss they have different products for different people if its gaining muscles or losing fat or just maintaining your presnt weight.

Some days I may add a slice of toast with some peanut butter to my shake or just a banana if I am feeling peckish. I did very little exercising because I was busy with my thesis but I always made sure I did a little YouTube workout. God bless Mr Billy Blanks and his Tae Bo workout videos if not I wouldst have even bothered working out. Il leave a link below.

Cookies and Cream Herbalife Nutritional Shake 

 I am Nigerian so I love rice and bread (my guilty pleasure) but there's nothing wrong with having some but its all about portions so I finally bought a measuring cup and weighing scale just to make sure i'm not over eating and I also bought small bowls to eat in so I don't keep adding food on to my plate. (see I fall off the wagon). So make sure you don't eat more than a cup and a half of rice in that picture on the right is a cup of jollof rice and a cup of steamed mixed vegetables.

 So I use a Chinese green tea for my morning detox drink its called fiyan (you can use any green tea) and I got it at my local pharmacy. I have it with 2 slices of lime and 2 slices of lemon just sometimes if I want a bit of flavor but its great for cleansing the system and speeding up your metabolism for the day. My metabolism personally as you can probably tell is slooooowwww! (laughs) So i drink about 400mls of green tea in the morning and sometimes another 400mls at night.

These are just a few things I eat and drink but I'll put a trial or well rough menu by tomorrow morning of what you could have during the detox challenge in case you are confused.

Thanks for reading see links below. P.s if you have any questions feel free to hit me up any time.

Herbalife Distributor and Coach 

Tae Bo Workout

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All photo's posted on this blog belong to me, unless otherwise stated.