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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Welcome Back To My Blog (BeesLifeStyleBlog) x

Hey guys welcome back to my blog... As you ca few changes have been made to the blog and I hope you guy's appreciate the new name and visuals. It's been over 4 months since I've posted anything (eeek). Sorry guy's I've just been very busy and occupied with getting into my second degree and finally turning 21 (yay), but not once have I not felt guilty about not blogging.

 So many idea's in my head. Hopefully going to start a proper YouTube channel by 2016 (laughs). I really couldn't fit that in this year, but it's on the agenda.

So brief details on what is to come  with the new change. I will be trying to divide the posts into FASHION, BEAUTY and LIFETYLE (Which is really my first love as you all know). I have no idea how I will be doing the beauty section as I've personally no chance in hell of doing proper make up or what is what, but we'll all learn as we go along (laughs). I've got so much to share and I've decided to post at least twice a week as long as college work permits m, but I will definitely have a post up every week.

Once again Welcome back Guys.. x

Love Bee x
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All photo's posted on this blog belong to me, unless otherwise stated.