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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Let Love in

Let Love in

Hey Guys hope everyone had an amazing Easter.. So as some of you may know I'm a bit of a lyricist now this isn't me trying to be artsy or deep just channelled some emotions and this came out so hope you enjoy it x


What is love ?
A sweet feeling or a bitter taste 
A never ending dream that never seems to  go away
You pray and hope and plead for such sweet romance 
Yet your body is all they yearn for

They woo you
Singing sweet melodies into your ear
Your beautiful, you're different 
You make me better, I love you 
You fall hopelessly for their lyrics 
You dance to their rhythm 
Change the who that you are
Laugh at their foolishness
Just to show your loyalty
Inhale embarrassment 
Just to prove your ride or die qualities 
Wear rags of shame
Just to keep the price tag of wifey material
While they lie and cheat right before you

In love you fall
Your time they waste 
Tears you cry
Hearts they shatter
The pieces they walked over again and again
Pieces too small to mend back 

Love becomes hate 
Trust issues become your friend
Paranoia your adviser 
Insecurity your best clothing 
And hate your armour 
You stand a feminist 
Only fighting against love not 
For love and equality

You hide behind your walls 
Scared to let anyone dare break them 
You yearn for "the one"
Yet you fear the re-run of the past episodes 
You refuse to wear the same rags 
So you live hidden yet naked in darkness 
You desire the fairytale 

You wonder behind the curtains 
Why am I so unlucky?
When will I wear "wifey"?
You become your own nightmare 
Envious lonely ugly and bitter 
Men you rebel against 
How will you ever fall in love again?
Just let love in..

This in no way is me trying to have a dig at love or men or girls who go through these situations. Love is a beautiful experience when shared between two people who care for one another. Just some people are not so lucky and tend to lose hope and forget that not every guy is your ex or every girl. Permit yourself to love again because you do deserve better but you've got to let love in.

Have an amazing week guys and don't forget let someone love you because you deserve the best mwah x

Bee x

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Huge Complication

Hey ladies and hopefully gentlemen. It's been a very long time since I blogged like 4-5 months?, not sure but I'm back and I've got new plans coming up for fashion and stuff so all you beautiful fashionistas and fashion trend setters stay tuned.

Ok! let's get straight into it "the huge complication", you must all be wondering what I'm talking about but it's like the biggest complication of all time in my opinion.. Are you ready for it? Falling for your BEST FRIEND. It's like the most awkward thing ever right?. One day it's like "awww my besto (zoned)" the next it's like "he/she gets me."

Now what are you to do? Tell him/her and ruin your great friendship if he/she doesn't feel the same way? or get together then it doesn't work out and you end up single with one less friend? or just keep all your feelings inside and try get over him/her? These are the questions that run through your mind. 

What about the bigger issue of when the person is actually in a relationship of their own?

Believe me personally it's better to wait until you fully know you are really into the person before ruining your friendship and their relationship with their partner or at least till they are single again because at the end of the day you're only  human you're allowed to fall in love with whomever you want or it could just be you want them now because they are with someone either way wait and see. It's complicated and awkward if you've been "zoned" but if he/she is a good friend they will understand and they will help you get through it as weird and awkward as it may get trust me you'll get over it eventually. 

Ps: If he/she is happy with their partner, I suggest you move on not worth ruining a happy relationship.

So that's all I have today I hope you enjoyed that little segment if you have any further questions regarding this situation feel free to comment below you can do it anonymously if you want and I will be happy to help in whatever way I can. 

Stay Happy Guys.. Mwah x
Love Bee

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