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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


It’s been a great 2014, I gained a lot this year and lost almost nothing and no one, thank God for that. I feel like this year has been a good one. I handed in my first thesis and graduated from my first-degree which was memorable and got accepted into my Honours degree course which was an amazing feeling, because all the hard work paid off. I travelled back to Nigeria after like six years of not being back, it started off very upsetting and bad also got some sort of food poisoning which was horrible, and then my mum and I took an amazing LONG roadtrip from Lagos to Abuja, my first time in the amazing capital, the trip was 16 hours long. I gained new family and some amazing friends. Adopted a new mother, absolutely love her. I found new love for snails (yes snail) and dodged a bomb attack. I lost and gained weight, story of my life.

 I turned 21 finally.Went on my first actual real date lol. Hung out with friends more and grew more confident in my own skin. My personal relationship with God grew and I noticed the difference within. I realised it is best to speak out and don’t feel intimidated by your peers, don’t be envious of what they have, learn to be content and believe in yourself and do what makes you happy. One of my happiest moments of the year was getting my first proper job, I love working. Earning your own coin feels GREAT lol, but with that comes spending at the moment I'm saving for summer. I accept donations hahaha. No joke I've got a frozen savings box in my room.

Anyway I watched my close friends graduate, especially my best friend Abi so proud of her. Last but not the  least this year I found an amazing human . Over all it’s been an amazing 2014. Good health, fun times, laughs, a few tears but that’s what makes us human.

Big thanks to my readers, (oh yeah I renovated my blog), my family and my friends. Thank you for making 2014 a memorable one. Bring on 2015 let’s make it Legendary!!!

Happy New Year Guys!!!!

Peace. Love. Blessings
Bee x

Till next Year 



All photo's posted on this blog belong to me, unless otherwise stated.