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Friday, January 2, 2015


I should not let Life and Love Pass Me by

It’s easy to get caught up in your work or college life that you forget how to just let your hair down and have a drink with your friends or go out to the cinema and even just meet new people. I always felt like if I go out for that night I'll fail the entire semester. I have now learned that I can mix both, plus if I don’t how will I make memories or friendships. So I'm going to let my hair down a lot more this year.

I Stress and Over Think too Much, Change is OK!

All I ever do is stress and over think. I am a ball of stress, well I use to be. I also hated change. I would walk around with an angry face not necessarily angry just thinking too much. I think about everything, from college to boyfriend to family to shopping to travelling. I am just always trying to plan and organize my life. I've learned that there really is not any use in over thinking and stressing yourself out. Whatever is meant to be will be you can plan but life takes its own route regardless. Its ok for that relationship not to work out and it's ok if things don’t go to plan. It’s definitely ok if your life is not going in the direction you want it to cause what is most important is that you are still alive and smiling.

I Needed to Cut Back on the Junk Again

I am forever trying to lose weight but I was doing it the wrong way. I would eat unhealthy meals and workout and think oh you deserve another treat. So I've learned to eat healthy options especially in college. I've learned to buy a banana over a chocolate bar and to buy soup over subway sandwich. These little adjustments help little by little it’s just a little bit of will power.

I Learned to Love Myself a little more

Self-Love is very important in life, nobody can love you until you learn to love yourself. I use to think I loved myself and that I was happy, but 2014 I truely learned the meaning of self love when you are happy with yourself from within and you are comfortable in your own skin. You wake up thinking I am beautiful whether anyone else see's it or not. Self love is something a lot of people find hard be it tall, short, skinny, fat, dark, light skinned. I found my happiness from within. It is not such a bad thing to fall in love with yourself first

I am a Big Sob

I am not one to talk about my problems or share my deepest emotions so I hold it all in for weeks, months and even years. Then one day I'd let all my anger and frustration out, which is so unhealthy. I have recently learned because, I am not one to cry at all, but I have learned that I am quite emotional. Plug in some Christian jams or some emotional movie or show and I am tearing up like a baby. I use this opportunity to cry, yes my emotions are released this way.

I hope you have enjoyed my post feel free to leave your comments and links to your blogs as I would be happy to check them out.
Till Next Time

Love Bee x


  1. I agree that self-love is very important! Amazing blog, amazing post! Keep it up gurl!

    Mollie X

  2. Try finding healthy foods that you actually enjoy, that way It's not so difficult to say no to junk! x

    1. Thanks hun. I know just really fell off the wagon during the christmas break x



All photo's posted on this blog belong to me, unless otherwise stated.