Photo Gallery

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sneak Peek of Mum's Photo Shoot!

Hey guys! Welcome to my blog this week. Hope everyone had an amazing valentine’s day yesterday, filled with love and happiness. I want to apologize for no blogging for the past two weeks. I have been busy with my final year projects and I have been sick for two weeks. I am back now and I am only human, all I can do is try my best to keep up :). “Letter to My Future Husband” will be back tonight so please do check it out.
So I previously said my mum had a photo shoot for her 45th birthday, She looked beautiful. I said I would share some of her pictures on my blog. So here are a few shots. Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for checking out my blog today....

Till Next Time
Love Bee 

Photo Credit ; Toheeb Awesu (Wale Productions Exclusive)


  1. Bee... Your mum is just beautiful 💗💗💗 happy birthday to her💋💋

  2. She looks beautiful x Gorgeous photos!
    Laura | A Life With Frills

  3. Your mum is gorgeous she doesn't even look 45 !


  4. Oh my gosh your mum is soo beautiful! She doesn't look 45 at all and that purple dress she's wearing is incredible.

    I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! This is the link to my post about it which explains what you have to do etc, it'd be fab to read your post about it.

    Emma x

    1. haha thanks Emma .. I'll let her know that.. thanks for the nomination also. I'll give it a look now x



All photo's posted on this blog belong to me, unless otherwise stated.