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Saturday, January 31, 2015

College, Stress, Mum's Birthday and Lunch

Hey guys welcome to my blog this week. Hope everyone is having an awesome week. I've had such a super hectic and stressful week. I've been sick and really under the weather. However I am on the mend. Happy days!

This post is just an update on my week. I met up with my super amazing friend, Sodiq. He's my closest guy friend whom I adore to bits. Had so much fun together, we ate at Burrito’s and Blues and had a really great chat. Like I said I've been sick all week so I treated myself to a nice soak this week with candles and bubbles on my day off college. It was heaven. I fell in love with my bath.

Guys, I love Costa coffee now. I go in at least twice a week. Amazing! My mum's birthday was today she had a super fabulous mini photo shoot in our house. She looked so beautiful can't wait to be able to share the pictures. My mum is so FIT! We all had fun and got in some of the pictures at the end. Super excited to see them. My dad treated me to a new outfit this week also which I can’t wait to show you all. It's just beautiful. YUM!!!

In all it was a great week despite being sick. I hope everyone else had a fabulous week. I know I haven’t really been consistent with blogging these past few weeks. I just started my final year projects and it has been taking up most of my time.I promise I will try and stay on top of things soon. I might not have "Letter to my Future Husband #3" up tomorrow but I will try my best. If not I promise I will have it up by the middle of this week.

Thanks for checking out my blog this week!

Till Next Time
Love Bee x

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Libester Award Nomination

Hey guys welcome to my blog . Hope everyone had a great week. I was recently nominated nominated for the Libester award by Alice Phillips. Enjoy

1. What is your favourite thing to blog about?
My favourite thing to blog about has to be relationships and life in general. I like to think I've got the gift/wisdom to give sensible advice, so I've always thought why not; I might as well share my gift with others. I do enjoy the odd fashion post here and there :).

2. The number one thing you couldn't live without?
I honestly do not know how I am living at the moment but my iphone. It broke and now I'm iphoneless and selfieless. The first few weeks were so hard but I'm coping. 

3. What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
Definitely get some sleep. I love my snooze time. Catch up on series and soaps, Scandel,The vampire diaries, The originals,Suits,Empire (my new fav),Hollyoaks,Eastenders and so on. Oh and also to catch up with my family, close friends and the boo of course LOL.

4. How would you describe the way you dress?
LOL, emm I don't know. I do love being casually comfortable with a hint of chic. My college is in the city so I feel I always have to try make the effort. But I'm in love with bohemian-chic for a day-to-day look and like classy/elegant sexy for a night out look

5. Is there any one place in the world that it is your dream to visit?
I really want to visit two places actually, Dubai and Paris.Soon hopefully.

6. Are you organized?
I try to be organized 80% of the time. LOL

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Hopefully very happy and fulfilled in myself (I hope that is the right way to phrase that). Engaged or probably married to someone special.

8. What can 2015 expect from your blog?
More interesting stuff, hopefully more segments, fashion, beauty, relationship advice.and few features.

9. Favourite film of all time?
I have a couple of favorites that I have watched over and over again. Annie, Sound of Music, Marley and Me (I cry at the end every time) and Boys in the Hood.

10. Must-have beauty product?
Mascara! Yes!.The eyes are the windows to the soul.

11. What is your favourite holiday of the year and why?
I love Christmas and Easter it humbles you and makes you remember that you are here because of the Saviour and it just brings you back. Time to spend with loved ones and just a chance to remember family is important and you love them through it all.They are all you've got.

Thank you to Alice Phillips for the nomination. I really enjoyed answering these questions and thank you to my readers for taking time to read my blog today. You can check out Alice's blog  on

Do not forget to check out Letter to my Future Husband tomorrow evening at 6pm.

Till Next Time
Love Bee x

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Woman Crush

All Hail Queen KOKO!!!!

Hey guys welcome to my blog today. Hope everyone is having a fierce week so far. As some of you may know, Khloe Kardashian is forever going to be my woman crush!!. She slayed it at the Golden Globes in her beautiful dress by Theia and rocked her sexy Christian Louboutin shoes. Khloe was hosting the red carpet for the event. Her hair and makeup was done by her fabulous team, Jen Atkin and Joyce Bonelli. Here are a few pictures of the beautiful KOKO. Enjoy x

Thanks for viewing my blog today.
Till Next Time 
Love Bee x
 NOTE:  All the photos used in this post are from Khloe Kardashians facebook page !
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Monday, January 12, 2015

5 Ways to Tell He Just Might Be A Keeper!!

Hey guys welcome to my blog today, hope everyone is having a great day. I have spent my evening catching up on UK Celebrity Big Brother 2015. I love the show its super cray. Anyway, this post is just a little something I was thinking about recently about my relationship and like how do you know your partner is a keeper? Do you ever really know? So here are the 5 simple ways to identify if your “Bae” is a keeper. EnjoyJ

Does He Listen and Pay Attention To You?
Ok I feel like its super important that your man listens to you because, I feel like us as females we tend to crave attention a lot, you can sit there and say no I don’t really care! Ha don’t even go there we all love the attention. I feel text or call in the morning just as you wake up and at night before you go to bed keeps the relationship going. If your man gives you all the attention you need and listens to you, like your worries, your fears, your issues and helps solve or change them then he is definitely a keeper because not all men can handle baggage or drama or even change. If he listens and takes in to consideration how you are feeling about certain things or even people then please hold on to him.

Do Your Conversations Consist of I's or We’s?
When he is making plans does he use the term "I" as in “I can’t wait to be able to go on trips around the world with whoever I’m with” haha. I bet when you hear your man say something like that you are kind of like excuseeee me? Or does he considers you in his plans like “I can’t wait for us to be able to go on trips around the world someday” because if he does; he is a keeper, not only does he put you in his plans, he is actually planning a future with you. I just think that is super cute and it just shows you that he does really care and value your relationship. He sees a future with you.

Have you met His Friends and Family?
If a guy wants you in his life no matter how much of a player or gangster he is, he will introduce you to his friends firstly and also his family. It can be quite scary meeting friends and family because you do want to come across as nice and presentable as possible. I remember the first day I met my boyfriends friend, brother and dad I had no makeup on it was super embarrassing, like I’m not so much of a makeup person but meeting people that I think are quite important I’d like to look my best, he kept sayin; “babe you look beautiful” I was like oh my this is super not cool, but they didn’t care, doubt they noticed but like I really think its nice to get to know his family and friends because it’s like having a new family and they actually are really sweet and caring and they usually are always on your side in arguments. I also feel it gives you an insight to how he is with his family and around his friends. I must say meeting his mum was more nerve wrecking haha our introduction was actually a funny one but that’s for another time. So if you haven’t met his friends and family yet? What are you waiting for?.

Is He God Fearing?
This is one for religious ladies really and it should be top of your list. A man cannot be the head of the house without the support from God. I feel he needs to be able to have a strong relationship with God. I am a Christian and I do believe a personal relationship with God is important, therefore I do think it’s important that whomever I’m with brings to the table better ways to get closer to God.

Can You Trust Him?

Trust is MAJOR! If you need to snoop to find answers, are you going to be snooping for the rest of your life? If you cannot trust the person you are in a relationship with then honestly there is no point in sticking around because a relationship where there is no trust is a very unhealthy relationship. If you do plan on having a future with someone you need to make sure you can trust the person. Love sometimes isn’t enough.

Thats all for today ladies, I hope you enjoyed my post feel free to leave a comment on others ways to tell he is a keeper.

Till Next Time 
Love Bee x
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Sunday, January 11, 2015

My Day In Pictures

Hey guys welcome to my blog this week. Hope everyone had an amazing week? I have had the most stressful month, the new system of doing exams at my university absolutely blows. We had exams for literally a month to be honest and I can say I'm not all that happy with my last one but thank God for next semester. So how has everyone been keeping? I hope everyone has been having a superb start to the year 2015. I know I can say; despite my exams I have been enjoying it so far. Celebrity big brother 2015 UK, OMG!!! That’s all I can say haha (If you watch it let me know below). So as a reward for the fact that I have not had fun in like a month, my friends and I decided to have a nice chill day on Friday, we visited the Tea Garden and had some milkshakes at Eddie Rockets and dinner at Charlie’s. It was somewhat a fascinating day, a reunion really as we all needed to catch up and Lola my lil minion came back from England for a few days so here are our fun moments caught on camera. Enjoy guys  :)

Details on my outfit
Leather Jacket : Primark UK
High Waist Jeans: H&M
Love and Hope Hoodie: H&M
Brogues: New Look

Bag: Primark IE

Thanks for viewing my blog today.
Till Next Time 
Love Bee x

P.s for my updates follow me on bloglovin see link in social media column x

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Friday, January 2, 2015


I should not let Life and Love Pass Me by

It’s easy to get caught up in your work or college life that you forget how to just let your hair down and have a drink with your friends or go out to the cinema and even just meet new people. I always felt like if I go out for that night I'll fail the entire semester. I have now learned that I can mix both, plus if I don’t how will I make memories or friendships. So I'm going to let my hair down a lot more this year.

I Stress and Over Think too Much, Change is OK!

All I ever do is stress and over think. I am a ball of stress, well I use to be. I also hated change. I would walk around with an angry face not necessarily angry just thinking too much. I think about everything, from college to boyfriend to family to shopping to travelling. I am just always trying to plan and organize my life. I've learned that there really is not any use in over thinking and stressing yourself out. Whatever is meant to be will be you can plan but life takes its own route regardless. Its ok for that relationship not to work out and it's ok if things don’t go to plan. It’s definitely ok if your life is not going in the direction you want it to cause what is most important is that you are still alive and smiling.

I Needed to Cut Back on the Junk Again

I am forever trying to lose weight but I was doing it the wrong way. I would eat unhealthy meals and workout and think oh you deserve another treat. So I've learned to eat healthy options especially in college. I've learned to buy a banana over a chocolate bar and to buy soup over subway sandwich. These little adjustments help little by little it’s just a little bit of will power.

I Learned to Love Myself a little more

Self-Love is very important in life, nobody can love you until you learn to love yourself. I use to think I loved myself and that I was happy, but 2014 I truely learned the meaning of self love when you are happy with yourself from within and you are comfortable in your own skin. You wake up thinking I am beautiful whether anyone else see's it or not. Self love is something a lot of people find hard be it tall, short, skinny, fat, dark, light skinned. I found my happiness from within. It is not such a bad thing to fall in love with yourself first

I am a Big Sob

I am not one to talk about my problems or share my deepest emotions so I hold it all in for weeks, months and even years. Then one day I'd let all my anger and frustration out, which is so unhealthy. I have recently learned because, I am not one to cry at all, but I have learned that I am quite emotional. Plug in some Christian jams or some emotional movie or show and I am tearing up like a baby. I use this opportunity to cry, yes my emotions are released this way.

I hope you have enjoyed my post feel free to leave your comments and links to your blogs as I would be happy to check them out.
Till Next Time

Love Bee x

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All photo's posted on this blog belong to me, unless otherwise stated.